First of all, what a wonderful blessing the last month has been! It went by so fast that I finally remembered that it was probably about that time to send out an update. Most of you know that Kelsey (my sister-in-law) was here visiting me. That time with her was so precious to me! This was the first time in years that I really had some one- on -one time with her.

Goodbyes are always difficult for me and this month not only did I have to say goodbye to Kelsey but also to a couple little twin girls at the Children’s Home (one pictured above). It’s always such a risk to love the kids there because sometimes it seems that right when I get attached, they get taken away. I constantly have to remind myself that this is what I want. I want these kids to have a forever home. Most of the kids there have very little hope of being adopted, so there is always a need for love at this place and always all the other kids to get attached to. I also have the privelage of reaching out to the “tias” ( house mothers) when times get stressful and to just hold them when they cry when a child moves on. I can’t imagine what it is like to take care of a child and love them 24/7 for an extended period of time and then see them leave. These are just some of the challenges of working at the Children’s Home.
My ministry in Los Guizaros has been tough, but I am learning so much through it. To be honest, this ministry has been a huge struggle for me. I was actually trying to pass it off to someone else but soon realized that there was really no one else to do it. Then I realized that it’s not just because I am busy but because in fact I am afraid to. With the chaos of such a small building packed with kids, packed with my inexperience, soft voice, and lack of resources, I felt that I just couldn’t do it. Then I came to the realization that it is just time to face my fears. The truth is that I CAN teach these kids and I CAN learn to use the things that I have. I CAN do all things through Christ who gives me strength. I have been sitting down and brainstorming how I can make this children’s program better.
One project I have decided to move forward with is building a little puppet theatre and starting to do puppet shows with the kids. God is helping me to get my creative juices flowing, now I just need to continue in prayer and give this feat to the Lord! I believe that he will provide the funds needed to complete this.
I’m slowly learning to step out in faith and do what is needed to be affective. God provides. I’m sitting in my apartment right now and I’m looking around…..God provided everything here! All my furniture and most of my dishes were donated by some wonderful people here! I stepped out in faith and bought a car and God has already provided the support to pay back half of it! I am a daughter of Christ walking in his will and he will provide always! What a lesson to learn and continue to learn. I am so human sometimes and just worry but then I’m reminded that I need to put my human logic away sometimes and just continue to step out.
This month has also brought on a lot of change. Keith Britton, the missionary I work with has headed back to The States for a 4 month medical leave. He will be getting a major surgery which involves taking his ankle out and replacing it with a titanium one. While he is away, I will be in charge of making sure the Rehab centre is taken care of financially, as well as buying monthly groceries for the centre, the children’s soup kitchen, as well as running errands as needed. Please pray for me as I try to manage these things while he is away.

Blessings in Christ,
Rachel Garber
God in Action Ministries
Apdo 428-1011
La y Griega
San Jose, Costa Rica
Note: Rachel has since sent the following note:
Hey Everybody!!!!!!!!!!
I am very excited to announce that the website for the sponsorship program I am working on is up and running!!!!!! It is a very interesting website and explains the areas we work in and the needs of these communities. Feel free to check it out and learn more about it!
Just remember that to help a child who lives in poverty get an education this year, it costs less than a family outing to the theatre. This sponsorship program is also unique because it is a one time donation and its completely your choice to intentionally continue in the future.
The website is www.sponsorcostaricakids.com
Anyways, God bless you all and thank you for all your prayers!
Rachel Garber
God in Action Ministries
San Jose, Costa Rica